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Why does my dog get anxious at night?

Why does my dog get anxious at night?

Last Updated on November 2, 2023


Many dog owners have experienced the perplexing situation of a canine companion exhibiting signs of anxiety at night. If your dog may be pacing, whining, or displaying other restless behaviors, it’s crucial to understand the underlying causes. Nighttime anxiety in dogs can be a source of concern for both pets and their owners.

In this blog, we will dive deep into the world of anxious dogs at night, exploring the reasons behind this behavior and how it relates to separation anxiety. We’ll discuss potential triggers, the importance of consulting a vet for professional guidance, and offer practical tips on how to help your dog cope with nighttime anxiety. By gaining a better understanding of your canine companion’s struggles during the night, you can work together to ensure more peaceful and restful nights for both you and your beloved pet. Let’s learn ” Why does my dog get anxious at night? ” and help them reduce their anxiety at night. 

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Why does my dog get anxious at night?

Understanding Canine Anxiety 


Canine anxiety, akin to the anxiety experienced by humans, is a common condition that affects many dogs, influencing their behavior and overall well-being. It’s crucial for dog owners to comprehend what canine anxiety is, its root causes, and how it manifests in their pets.

What is Canine Anxiety?

Canine anxiety is a state of heightened unease or nervousness in dogs. It is characterized by excessive worry or fear in response to certain situations or stimuli. Dogs, like humans, can experience anxiety for various reasons, and its severity can vary from mild to severe.

Common Causes of Anxiety in Dogs:


  • Separation Anxiety: One of the common reasons your dog may experience anxiety is separation anxiety. Dogs form strong bonds with their owners, and when left alone, they may become anxious and exhibit restlessness or destructive behavior.
  • Age-Related Anxiety: As dogs age, they can experience anxiety, particularly in senior dogs. This can be linked to cognitive dysfunction or simply the discomfort of getting older, leading to restless behavior and nighttime anxiety.
  • Environmental Stressors: Dogs can be sensitive to changes in their environment. New surroundings, loud noises, or unfamiliar people and animals can trigger anxiety in dogs.
  • Pain or Discomfort: Just like humans, a dog in pain or discomfort can experience anxiety. If your dog is in pain due to an underlying health issue, they may become restless and anxious.


To make sure your dog is comfortable and well-cared for, it’s essential to address their anxiety. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine, providing a safe and comfortable environment, and seeking guidance from a veterinarian or a professional dog behaviorist can help manage and alleviate canine anxiety. By understanding the common reasons for anxiety in dogs and recognizing its manifestations, pet owners can ensure their furry companions sleep better and live healthier, happier lives.


Why does my dog get anxious at night?

Anxiety at Night 

Dogs can sometimes experience anxiety, a complex and distressing emotion. One particularly challenging form of anxiety is anxiety at night, which can leave dog owners puzzled and concerned. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of anxiety at night in dogs, shedding light on its potential causes and symptoms.

Separation Anxiety:

One of the primary triggers behind anxiety at night in dogs is separation anxiety. Dogs are naturally social animals, forming strong bonds with their human companions. When left alone at bedtime, especially puppies or dogs not accustomed to being apart, separation anxiety can surface. Anxious dogs may become restless at night, pacing, whining, or displaying other signs of distress.

Noise Phobias:

Another common cause of nighttime anxiety is noise phobias. Dogs have keen hearing and can be highly sensitive to loud or sudden noises such as thunderstorms, fireworks, or even routine household sounds. Fearful responses to these auditory stimuli can make a dog anxious at night, leading to an inability to relax or sleep through the night.

Fear of the Dark:

Similar to humans, some dogs have a fear of the dark. As the sun sets and familiar surroundings become shrouded in darkness, dogs with nyctophobia, or fear of the dark, can become anxious at night. The lack of visibility during nighttime hours can trigger restlessness and unease.

Medical Conditions:

It’s vital to consider medical conditions that may underlie a dog’s nighttime anxiety, particularly in senior dogs. Cognitive dysfunction, akin to dementia in humans, is a condition that senior dogs may experience. Dogs with cognitive dysfunction can become anxious at night, struggling to recognize their environment or feeling disoriented, which can lead to nighttime restlessness.

Symptoms of Anxiety in Dogs:

Anxiety in dogs, whether at night or during the day, can manifest through various symptoms. Recognizing these signs is crucial for pet owners. Common symptoms of anxiety in dogs include:

  • Restlessness: An anxious dog may be unable to settle down, pacing back and forth, and displaying an inability to relax.
  • Excessive Vocalization: Whining, barking, or howling more than usual is a clear indicator of distress in dogs experiencing anxiety.
  • Changes in Sleep Patterns: Dogs anxious at night may have difficulty sleeping through the night or exhibit reversed sleep-wake cycles, sleeping more during the day and staying awake at night.
  • Behavioral Changes: Anxiety can lead to alterations in behavior, such as increased aggression, excessive licking, destructive chewing, or house soiling.
  • Altered Appetite: Some dogs may eat less or more when they are anxious, which can be a sign of their emotional turmoil.


For dog owners witnessing their pets experience anxiety at night, it is essential to address the issue with care and understanding. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine, providing a secure and comfortable dog bed, and seeking professional guidance, whether from a veterinarian or a qualified dog behaviorist, can greatly assist in managing and alleviating nighttime anxiety in dogs. By understanding the potential causes and recognizing the symptoms of anxiety at night, dog owners can ensure their beloved companions have peaceful and restful nights, promoting their overall health and well-being.

Why does my dog get anxious at night?

Practical Solutions for Nighttime Anxiety

Nighttime anxiety in dogs can be a challenging issue for both pets and their owners. Fortunately, several practical solutions can help ease your restless and anxious canine companion, ensuring peaceful nights for all. Here are some strategies to consider:


  • Creating a Safe and Comfortable Sleeping Environment

Start by providing your dog with a cozy and secure sleeping space. A comfortable dog bed or crate can make your dog feel more comfortable and secure. Ensure the room temperature is pleasant, and eliminate any potential sources of discomfort, such as drafts or loud noises.

  • Establishing a Bedtime Routine

Consistency is key to calming your dog at night. Establish a bedtime routine that signals the transition from activity to rest. This routine might include a short evening walk, followed by a calming activity like brushing or gentle petting. Consistent bedtime cues help dogs settle at night.

  • Providing Mental and Physical Stimulation During the Day

An active dog is a happy dog, and mental and physical stimulation during the day can reduce nighttime restlessness. Engage your dog in play, exercise, and training sessions to tire them out. Puzzle toys and interactive games can also help keep your dog’s mind occupied.

  • Using Calming Aids and Supplements

Certain calming aids and supplements may help dogs with anxiety and restlessness. Consult with your veterinarian to explore options such as pheromone diffusers, calming sprays, or natural supplements like chamomile or CBD. These can be used in moderation to help soothe your dog’s anxiety at night.

  • Seeking Professional Help

In cases of severe or persistent nighttime anxiety, it’s essential to seek professional assistance. A veterinarian or a certified dog behaviorist can assess your dog’s specific needs and recommend tailored solutions. Medications may be prescribed in severe cases, but these should always be administered under professional guidance.

  • Addressing Pain and Discomfort

Sometimes, pain in dogs, particularly in older dogs or those with arthritis, can contribute to restlessness at night. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to identify and manage pain-related issues. Medications, physical therapy, or joint supplements can help alleviate pain and reduce nighttime anxiety.

  • Providing Nighttime Comfort

If your dog is restless at night, consider providing extra comfort measures. Soft, soothing music or a white noise machine can help drown out disruptive sounds. A familiar blanket or a piece of clothing with your scent can provide comfort and reassurance.

  • Monitoring Diet and Water Intake

Ensure your dog’s last meal is well before bedtime to reduce the chances of digestive discomfort or nighttime bathroom breaks. Limit water intake close to bedtime to prevent frequent bathroom trips during the night.


Dogs may experience nighttime anxiety for various reasons, but there are practical solutions to help calm your dog at night and ensure both you and your furry friend sleep better. Creating a comfortable sleeping environment, establishing a bedtime routine, providing daytime stimulation, using calming aids when necessary, and seeking professional guidance when needed can all contribute to peaceful nights for you and your canine companion. Remember that every dog is unique, so it may take some trial and error to find the most effective strategies for your dog’s specific needs.

Training and Behavior Modification Techniques


Nighttime anxiety in dogs can disrupt both the dog’s and the owner’s peaceful night’s sleep. Fortunately, there are effective training and behavior modification techniques that can help address this issue and restore tranquility to your evenings. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Desensitization and Counterconditioning

Desensitization and counterconditioning are powerful behavior modification techniques used to change your dog’s emotional response to anxiety-inducing triggers. If your dog becomes anxious at night due to specific sounds, such as thunderstorms or fireworks, you can gradually expose them to these noises at a low volume while providing positive reinforcement, such as treats or play, to create a positive association. Over time, this can help reduce your dog’s anxiety response.

  • Positive Reinforcement Training

Positive reinforcement training focuses on rewarding desired behaviors with treats, praise, or affection. When dealing with nighttime anxiety, you can use positive reinforcement to reward calm and relaxed behavior at bedtime. For example, if your dog settles down quietly in their bed, offer treats or gentle praise to reinforce this behavior. Over time, your dog will associate bedtime with positive experiences, making them less anxious at night.

  • Medication and Therapy Options

In severe cases of nighttime anxiety, medication prescribed by a veterinarian may be necessary. Anti-anxiety medications or sedatives can help alleviate your dog’s anxiety and promote a more peaceful night’s sleep. Additionally, therapeutic interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, can be effective in addressing different anxiety issues in dogs, including nighttime anxiety.

  • Working with a Professional Trainer or Behaviorist

Sometimes, addressing nighttime anxiety may require the expertise of a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. These professionals can assess your dog’s specific needs and create a tailored training plan to reduce anxiety and improve behavior. They can also provide guidance on techniques and strategies that are most suitable for your dog’s unique circumstances.

  • Develop a Bedtime Routine

Establishing a consistent bedtime routine can be highly effective in managing nighttime anxiety. Dogs thrive on routine and predictability. Incorporate calming activities into your routine, such as a short walk, gentle grooming, or quiet playtime. Avoid stimulating activities or interactions just before bedtime.

  • Gradual Changes for Younger Dogs

For younger dogs who may be experiencing anxiety at night due to changes in their environment, such as transitioning to a new home or crate training, introduce changes gradually. Slowly acclimate your dog to their new surroundings or crate, providing comfort and positive reinforcement during the adjustment period.

Remember that different dogs may respond to different anxiety-reduction techniques, so patience and flexibility are key. It’s essential to address your dog’s nighttime anxiety with empathy and a willingness to adapt as needed. By incorporating these training and behavior modification techniques, you can help your dog feel less anxious at night and improve both your and your dog’s quality of sleep.

Why does my dog get anxious at night?

Prevention and Long-Term Management of Anxiety in Dogs


Addressing anxiety in dogs, including anxiety at night, requires a comprehensive approach that includes both prevention and long-term management. By implementing proactive strategies, dog owners can promote their pet’s emotional well-being and minimize the risk of anxiety-related issues. Here are some key techniques for prevention and long-term management:


  • Early Socialization and Training

Early socialization and obedience training are crucial steps in preventing anxiety in dogs. Exposing your puppy to various people, animals, and environments in a positive and controlled manner helps them become well-adjusted adults. Additionally, teaching basic commands and positive behaviors through training builds confidence and reduces the likelihood of anxiety night behaviors later in life.

  • Regular Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Physical exercise and mental stimulation are essential for a dog’s overall well-being. Adequate exercise helps release excess energy and reduces anxiety. Engage your dog in daily walks, playtime, and interactive games. Puzzle toys, obedience training, and new experiences can provide mental stimulation and keep cognitive dysfunction at bay, particularly in older dogs.

  • Consistent Routines and Structure

Dogs thrive on routine and predictability. Establishing a consistent daily schedule for meals, exercise, play, and bedtime can help reduce anxiety night episodes. Knowing what to expect provides dogs with a sense of security and stability, which can alleviate nighttime anxiety.

  • Monitoring and Addressing Triggers

Keep a close eye on your dog’s behavior and identify potential triggers for anxiety. If certain situations or stimuli consistently cause anxiety night symptoms, work on desensitizing your dog to these triggers through positive reinforcement training. This can help your dog gradually overcome their fears.

  • Regular Checkups with a Veterinarian


Regular veterinary checkups are essential for your dog’s overall health and well-being. A veterinarian can identify any medical issues, including cognitive dysfunction syndrome, that may contribute to anxiety night problems. They can also provide guidance on managing these conditions and offer recommendations for anxiety prevention and treatment.


By incorporating these preventive measures and long-term management strategies, dog owners can significantly reduce the risk of anxiety night issues in their pets. A proactive approach to socialization, training, exercise, and mental stimulation fosters a confident and well-adjusted dog. Consistent routines and vigilant monitoring of triggers help maintain a stable and anxiety-free environment for your furry companion. Lastly, regular veterinary checkups ensure that any underlying medical conditions, such as cognitive dysfunction syndrome, are promptly addressed, promoting your dog’s overall health and happiness.

Why does my dog get anxious at night?



In conclusion, understanding why your dog gets anxious at night is the first step toward helping them find comfort and peace during bedtime. Nighttime anxiety in dogs can be caused by a variety of factors, including separation anxiety, fear of the dark, or medical conditions. Recognizing the signs of anxiety in your dog and addressing them with patience and compassion is essential.


While we’ve discussed various strategies for managing nighttime anxiety, it’s crucial to remember that every dog is unique. If your dog’s anxiety persists or worsens despite your best efforts, seeking professional help is a wise choice. A qualified veterinarian or dog behaviorist can provide tailored solutions and guidance to alleviate your dog’s nighttime anxiety.


In your journey to support your anxious dog at night, consistency, routine, and a loving approach are your allies. By creating a safe and comfortable sleeping environment, providing mental and physical stimulation, and maintaining a predictable bedtime routine, you can help your dog feel more secure and relaxed. Remember, a well-rested and contented dog leads to happier days and peaceful nights for both you and your loyal companion.


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