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How To Get My Puppy To Sleep Through The Night

Last Updated on May 15, 2023

a puppy sleeping

Puppies are adorable, but they can also be a lot of work. One of the biggest challenges new puppy parents face is getting their puppy to sleep through the night. If you’re struggling to get your furry friend to sleep through the night, don’t worry – you’re not alone. In this post, we’ll share tips on how to get your puppy to sleep through the night. Keep reading for more information!

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Establish a bedtime routine for your puppy

The first step to getting most puppies to sleep through the night is setting up a consistent bedtime routine. Start by deciding on a specific time when you will put your pup to bed each night, and stick with it.

Part of this routine should include some calming activities right before the lights go out. For example, take your puppy for a short walk to help them release any excess energy. Then, give your pup plenty of cuddle time and pets before it’s lights out.

Make sure the environment is comfortable for your pup by giving them a cozy bed with blankets to snuggle up in. Also, consider playing some calming music or white noise. This can help to create a soothing environment.

Create Positive Sleep Associations

Positive reinforcement and reward-based training are key when it comes to getting your puppy to sleep through the night. Whenever your pup is settling into bed, give them some positive words of encouragement. You can also use treats or toys as rewards for good behavior.

Creating positive sleep associations can also help your pup understand that bedtime is a good thing and not something to be afraid of. If your pup wakes up during the night, talk softly to them and encourage them to go back to sleep.

Create Positive Sleep Associations

Avoid Unnecessary Interruptions

You should also do your best to avoid any unnecessary interruptions during the night. For example, if your pup starts to whine or bark, try not to give them attention right away. By doing this, you will teach your pup that barking and whining at night won’t result in a reward.

If all else fails, consider investing in some white noise machines or a sound machine to help drown out any external noises that may be waking your pup during the night. This can be a great way to help your pup (and you!) get some much-needed rest.

Feed them dinner earlier in the evening so they’re not too full to sleep

If your puppy is having trouble sleeping through the night, one of the best things you can do is feed them dinner earlier in the evening. If they’re fed right before bedtime, they may be too full to sleep comfortably and will wake up frequently looking for food. Provide a light meal at least two hours before their regular bedtime.

Get them plenty of exercise

One of the best ways to ensure that your puppy sleeps through the night is to make sure they get plenty of exercise throughout the days and few weeks. This can be done by taking them out for a good walk or playing with them in the yard. Regular exercise will help keep them feeling relaxed and active, which in turn helps promote healthy sleeping habits.

Along with regular exercise, make sure your puppy is getting plenty of mental stimulation with interactive play and puzzle toys. This will help keep them mentally engaged and tire them out so they are ready for a good night’s rest.

Parents with small children know that there will be several middle-of-the-night potty breaks

Crates can also be used to help your puppy sleep through the night. Make sure that your puppy has a comfortable crate that is large enough for them to stand up and turn around in, but not so large that they can wander around aimlessly all night long.

Put your pup in their crate just before bedtime with a yummy treat or toy to keep them occupied. This will help make the crate a positive environment in their mind and can help alleviate any anxiety they may have about being left alone at night.

Think soft blankets and a warm place to rest

One of the most important things you can do to help your puppy get a good night’s sleep is to create a comfortable, cozy sleeping environment. This means providing them with soft blankets or pillows and a warm place to rest.

Create a sleep routine for your pup by setting specific times for naps and nighttime sleep. Make sure these times are consistent, so your puppy knows when it’s time to rest. It is important to create a secure and comfortable place for your puppy to sleep.

This could be their dog bed or crate training. Make sure their sleeping area is free from any potential dangers such as wires or cords. If your puppy starts to whine or bark at night, resist the urge to pay attention to them and instead ignore their behavior.

Don’t play with your puppy right before bedtime, as this will only excite them more

If your puppy is still having trouble sleeping through the night, you may need to make some adjustments to its environment. Make sure the space they sleep in is dark and quiet, as too much noise or light can disrupt their rest. Consider using a puppy’s crate for them to sleep in if it helps them feel secure and comfortable.

You should also establish a consistent routine for your puppy around bedtime and stick to it as much as possible. Feeding your puppy at the same time each night and taking them out for one last bathroom break can help signal to them that it’s time to settle down for bed.

If all else fails, try using a noise machine or white noise to help your puppy sleep through the night

White noise helps to block out other distracting noises and keeps your puppy comfortable. It can also help reduce stress levels and provide a consistent sound to help them stay asleep.

You can find white noise machines online or even in stores, but if you don’t want to invest in one, you can use something like an app on your phone that will play a soothing sound all night. It’s important to make sure the sound isn’t too loud, as that can be distracting.

Play it cool when getting your puppy to sleep through the night

Getting your puppy to sleep through the night is possible, but it takes patience and understanding. Start by preparing their sleeping area ahead of time: make sure it’s a cozy, comfortable spot free from any distractions or sources of noise. You can also create a routine that helps them wind down before bedtime.

When it’s time for bed, make sure to keep the lights low and avoid talking or engaging with your puppy too much. This will help establish a sense of calmness, letting your pup know that it’s time to settle down and sleep.

If they wake up during the night, don’t make a big fuss — simply acknowledge them and encourage them to go back to sleep. Young puppies sleep learn best when their guardians are consistent in the way they discipline and reward them, so keep up with your routine and don’t give in too easily when they start whining or barking at night.

Be prepared for interruptions

Getting your puppy to sleep through the night can be challenging, but with some patience and consistency, it is possible. Once you have provided your pup with a suitable environment to sleep in, there may still be some interruptions during the night. If the puppy cry persists for more than 15 minutes, it may be necessary to take your pup outside for a few minutes for a Potty break or to give them some reassurance.

However, it’s important not to get into a habit of rewarding them for disruptive behavior – instead, focus on reinforcing good behavior by providing positive reinforcement when they are being quiet in their dog crate or sleeping area.


How do I get my puppy to sleep through the night?

Getting your puppy to sleep through the night is possible, but it takes patience and understanding. Start by preparing their sleeping area ahead of time: make sure it’s a cozy, comfortable spot free from any distractions or sources of noise. You can also create a routine that helps them wind down before bedtime.

How do I keep my puppy calm at night?

Keeping your young puppy calm at night is crucial for helping them sleep. Make sure to keep the lights low and avoid talking or engaging with your puppy too much. This will help establish a sense of calmness, letting your pup know that it’s time to settle down and sleep. Try using a noise machine or white noise to help your puppy relax.

How do I know if my puppy is too hot or cold at night?

You can tell if your puppy is too hot or cold during the night by feeling their ears and paws. If their ears are warm to the touch and their paws feel cold, they may be too hot.

Conversely, if their ears are cold to the touch and their paws are warm, they may be too cold. Make sure you adjust their sleeping area accordingly to ensure they are comfortable.

How often should I take my puppy outside at night?

For puppies, it’s best to take them outside every couple of hours to potty. Also potty training the dog. This will help them establish a consistent routine and avoid any accidents during the night. However, if your puppy wakes up during and sleepless nights, it may be necessary to take them outside for a few minutes for a potty break or to give them some reassurance.


Now that you know how to get your puppy to sleep through the night, it’s time for you to put these tips into practice. Establish a bedtime routine and stick to it as closely as possible. Make sure their sleeping environment is comfortable and free from distractions. Feed them dinner earlier in the evening so they aren’t too full to sleep, and make sure they get plenty of exercise during the day. Finally, be prepared for some middle-of-the-night potty breaks! With a little patience and perseverance, your new furry friend will be snoozing peacefully through the night in no time.

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