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How long to pee pad train a puppy?

Bringing a new puppy home can be an exciting and joyful experience, but it also requires a lot of patience and training. Potty training is one of the first challenges new puppy owners may face, so you may wonder, ‘How long to pee pad train a puppy?’ after you bring it home. Pee pad training can be a convenient solution for puppies not yet old enough to go outside and for dogs who live in apartments or other places with limited access to outside areas.  Continue reading How long to pee pad train a puppy?

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How to train a puppy to sit and stay?


Your dog living a good and peaceful life has much to do with how well they understand and act on your command. One of the first things the owners need to teach is “how to train your puppy to sit and stay?”. Puppies are energetic and thrilled to learn new tricks. Teaching them how to sit is a good start for the training phase. 

Puppies learn fastest and best with positive reinforcements. But they don’t understand your language or words. So how would you train them to follow your command? You will learn about training your puppy to sit and stay in the blog.  Continue reading How to train a puppy to sit and stay?

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How long does it take to leash train a puppy?

Taking your puppy for a walk and walking together is a dream for many people. While walking is easy, walking on a leash for a puppy is complicated and needs training. Thus training your puppy to walk with a leash is your priority before taking it on a walk. Learn how to leash train your puppy and ‘how long does it take to leash train a puppy?’ in the blog. 

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How to Train Your Puppy Not to Bite?

Dogs are considered a puppy till they turn one year old. After that, your dog is not a puppy anymore. But they will still keep growing. You can train your dogs at any age, but it is wiser to start teaching them from an early age. AKC (American Kennel Club) says that ”Veterinarians, veterinary technicians, animal behaviorists and many trainers now recommend that puppies (who do not have health problems) begin classes as early as 7-8 weeks.

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